History, Theory, and Critics in Architecture Group

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Velentinus Pebriano
ST. MT., (Lektor/IIIc)
Sekretaris Kelompok Bidang Keahlian
Research/Expertise: History and Theory of Architecture, Culture and Architecture

Uray Fery Andi
Dr., (Lektor/IIIc)
Ketua Jurusan
Research/Expertise: History and Theory of Architecture, Typology and Morphology, Architecture and Power, Colonial and Post-Colonial Architecture

Muhammad Nurhamsyah
ST. M.Sc., (Lektor/IIId)
Ketua Kelompok Bidang Keahlian
Research/Expertise: History and Theory of Architecture, Behavioral in Architecture

ST. M.Sc., (Asisten Ahli/IIIb)
Kepala Laboratorium/Studio Gambar
Research/Expertise: History and Theory of Architecture, Architectural Criticism, Architecture and Urbanism, Architectural Photography